Blog posts, user documentation, and other resources about visual testing for web and mobile apps: you'll find it all here.
Visual testing, also known as user interface (UI) testing in software development is how developers ensure that a web or mobile application they are building appears to the end-user as it was originally intended.
Learn the key features and limitations of popular UI testing tools to help you choose the right tool for your development team.
Learn how Hootsuite improved the overall quality of its digital experiences while decreasing testing time. By automating visual and functional testing in Sauce Labs Platform for Test, Hootsuite can now release faster with more confidence.
Learn more about how Sauce Visual can help you ensure browsers and applications are visually consistent, always engaging and meeting the highest user standards.
Accessibility makes a better user experience for everyone. Make sure your websites and apps are accessible with this accessibility testing checklist.
Mobile accessibility testing requires special consideration. This guide covers everything you need to know about making mobile apps accessible.
UI testing helps to ensure that the UI of your website or mobile app behaves as expected and that a high-quality user experience is maintained. This guide covers the basics of automated UI testing and how it can help your organization perform full UI testing more efficiently and consistently.
Software quality is the foundation of your business.
How can developers design and test apps and websites using a mobile-first approach?
Learn how enterprise organizations increase their developer velocity and shorten their time to market with continuous quality.
Digital experiences are the foundation of your business. Ensure software quality with Sauce Labs—the centralized platform that unites your quality-driven teams and projects.