Tech Talk: Cleaning Up Duplications, Part 4
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Posted January 9, 2020

Tech Talk: Cleaning Up Duplications, Part 4


If you are familiar with programming and have been curious about getting started with test automation, be sure to check out last week’s episode from Nikolay Advolokin, Solutions Architect, as he walked users through on how to configure an automated test on Sauce Labs. 

Picking up where he left off, this week Nikolay introduces an exercise that involves removing duplication with the help of a base test class. He then shares a few best practices for using page objects and highlights the components needed to make a page object into a great page object.

Stay tuned for the next video!

Don’t want to wait? Access all eight videos in this Best Practices for Automated Testing series.

Nikolay Advolodkin
Principal Developer Advocate at Sauce Labs
Jan 9, 2020
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